Saturday, July 02, 2005
<凡人歌> 词曲:李宗盛 原唱:李宗盛你我皆凡人 生在人世间
终日奔波苦 一刻不得闲
既然不是仙 难免有杂念
道义放两旁 利字摆中间
多少男子汉 一怒为红颜
多少同林鸟 已成分飞燕
人生何其短 何必苦苦恋
爱人不见了 向谁去和喊冤
Working life can be so tiring, that you could return home and have no energy left to care about other stuff except your primate need for food and shelter. Today marks the end of holiday part time work, and the real beginning of holidays.
Bodai boji kanna promoted from 'shirt and vest' to 'shirt and blazer'. First time feel that I must take a picture of myself in uniform ... But well ... the excitement wore off with the tiredness from shooing people off the corridors, asking them not to put their feets on the seats in front, running up and down the stairs catching buggers taking photographs with their flashlights on ... etc 吃力不讨好 saigangs that high-ranking/paid will never need to do. Nobody likes confrontation loh, not at the frontline anyway. It's been such a long time since I have ever been abused at, for soo many times, in such a short period of time. It doesn't help that the voices over the walkie would otherwise suggest that there is nothing they would do to diffuse the situation. Well, I will just think of the choices I had and the money I will ultimately make ... then I just tell myself 2 letters; 'LL'. At the very least, managed to make friends with fairly good looking female collegues.
Found a new love in badminton lately. Put in financial commitment into this new love already, so must maintain this 'passion' like a fire by playing more often. Something like what bicycling did to me in year 1. Must psycho Count Dooku to commit financially also.
要放假去了,离开城市喧哗和烦恼。渴望旅途愉快 =)
taxi taker at 12:56 PM