Monday, August 08, 2005
<迷你裙> 旺福
可爱中带点sexy sexy中又带点神秘
神秘中带点俏皮 俏皮又可爱了回去
大腿唱起了歌曲 小腿戴上太阳眼镜
擦上了防晒乳液 迎接夏天的来临
Mini Mini Mi-Mini Mini 迷你的裙 迷你的热情
夏天的冰淇淋 对眼睛不断勾引
Mini Mini Mi-Mini Mini 高高低低都是种算计
高高让人喘息 而低点让人好奇
Mini Mini Mi-Mini Mini 风儿吹过露出了pp
pp散发热力 让太阳红了脸皮
Mini Mini Mi-Mini Mini 不同的腿儿 不同的美丽
萝卜简短有力 鸟仔ㄎㄚ真神气
让这个夏季到处是冰淇淋 !
Life living away from campus means taking the train and then 179/199 everyday. It's pretty exciting to see the mini skirts seemingly float just above the hips that they are hugging, first on the train, and then on 179 or 199. You just don't get to see them in LT2A. Guys in NTU have to thank the architects of NTU for building the staircase at Canteen A bus stop to be so steep; even if you are not curious, you will always see the answer of the question you might be interested in.
I've heard and experienced that women always don't have any nice words for outstanding specimens of their own kind. Beautiful ones are called vixens, sexy ones are called sluts, cute ones are called bitches. The rest you can just call them plain ugly, if not, desperate. Singapore has it's fair share of fashion disasters, and the worst types are those who are have obvious weaknesses, and then choose to expose them to mockery. I was going off to dinner with my aunt and while we were waiting for our bus at the bus stop, we saw this thunder-thighs in mini skirt running for her bus. The sight didn't interest me at all of coz, but my aunt couldn't resist the temptation to say,
'Wah lao, 这么肥还穿那么短的裙. 跑的时候都看得到她的内裤.'
taxi taker at 11:30 PM